Hey Doers!

I'm Vlastimil Cícha alias Pat V.C.

A former Dreamer turned Doer. This website provides resources to become a Prosperity Doer.

Created for Action-Takers

Doer's Mail

Every Sunday I share short, self-development insights. After you sign up,
you will receive a discount code that will give you free access to rent The Doer Revolution video book. See you there!

The Doer Transformation 35-Day Video Challenge

Want to transform your habits and become a Doer? Join the FREE 35-day video challenge and let me help you make it happen. Take change seriously!

The Doer Revolution Book

Revolt your desire, dreams, and goals to break the growth ceiling. Become a Doer. I wrote and printed the book for you, you cover the shipping.

The Doer Revolution Video Book

7 hours of on-demand video is the equivalent of the physical book. Just enroll for $2 for 30 days or buy it forever. OR sign up for my Doer's Mail and get it for FREE.

The Doer Transformation Planner

This 90-Day physical planner helps you on your journey to becoming a Doer. It uses the B.A.P. technique: Believe, Act, and Prosper.

What People Say About

The Doer Revolution Book

This is the best chance now to consider this book as a guide to going further in life for a better tomorrow…

Rommel M. Luna

President/CEO, RML Courier Express Int’l Corp. |
A Certified Life Coach and Motivational Speaker

It was like reading my own life philosophy and beliefs…

Nino Ciganovic

Head of Transaction Banking

“I’m sure this book will be a good tool for people on their life journey…”

Adam Wojnar

Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor

“It shows you the most important lesson about success – how to take your most precious asset, time, and apply proven steps to take action and improve your life.”

Ryan He

VP of Marketing